
The Weekends

Now that I’m home with the kids during the week, I find that I enjoy weekends more than I did before. When I was working the weekends were go-go-go, full of house projects and to do lists. Now weekends are time to spend with family. The days are laid back and go with the flow (so not me, or at least not the old me). And, I’m not going to lie, it’s nice to have an extra set of hands all day!

I can’t even tell you what we did on Saturday (sad, because it’s only Monday…) but Sunday started off with a little boy, swollen gums, ice cold oranges and mesh teethers.

My little man has a puffy gum with a tooth that is doing its thing in his mouth. From what I read it can take months for that tiny tooth to work its way to the surface. Poor little bugger.
He absolutely loves gnawing on fruit I put in these mesh things. I seriously can’t wait until our 4 month well baby. This kid is so ready to start solids. I swear he’d take the fork out of my hand and feed himself from my plate if I let him.

Puff woke up and played with her new taggie blanket that her Grammy Jayne made. She is so tactile. If she can touch and explore it, it’s her kind of toy.

Then she went about her normal morning routine of sleeping and sleeping some more. I have a feeling this taggie is going to be her new go for sleepy time.

Later on we got a special delivery. It arrived several hours late, which was not so fun. But it arrived and that’s what counts. So we did actually get to cross something off of our (never-ending) to do list
Thankfully the kids slept through all of the action, giving Joe and I time to move stuff from the house and garage out to the new shed. 

What I realized is that we have a lot of stuff. I hate stuff. I’m a throw things away kind of gal. My husband, on the other hand, may be a hoarder. I’m not saying he is, I’m just not saying he isn’t…
At the end of what felt like a ridiculously long day, I ended up sitting on a blanket in the grass with both of my babies. While looking at our home, now crammed with baby stuff, I started thinking about all the ways we were going to make room for our (much larger) family and I couldn’t even believe how lucky I was to be faced with such a “dilemma”. I sometimes can’t even believe this is my life. That my biggest problem is where I’m going to fit a double stroller.
Lots to do this week. Our “small” Christening seems to be fetching quite the turnout, so I cancelled our dinner reservation and decided (five days before the Christening, mind you) that I’m going to host everyone at our house after mass. What this means is lots of last minute scrambling, catering orders and party supply shopping with two babies in tow. And now I actually have to clean my house and hide some of the plastic village away, lest anyone think they arrived at Toys R Us by accident. 
I clearly didn’t think this plan through. But the party will be much more intimate this way. And the babies will have more time to meet and visit with family. So that’s that. I can’t wait to see everyone. 
I have prayed so long for weekends just like these.