
A Taste of What’s To Come

So I took a birth control pill yesterday for no reason. I talked to my nurse (who’s also the IVF Coordinator) this morning and we agreed to put off IVF #1 till next month. The clinic has down weeks and they will be going down from October 5-16. Joe and I already had plans to go to Chicago for my 30th birthday from September 30-October 4. Between the clinic downtime and our vacation, scheduling was becoming an issue.

Our nurse told us to take the month off, enjoy our (possibly last non-pregnant) vacation and live it up. She said that the best favor we could do for ourselves is to enjoy a vacation, have some fun and come home relaxed.

My next cycle is supposed to begin while we’re away, with CD3 falling on the Monday after we get back. Fingers crossed that AF follows the schedule. But considering all my 23 day cycles lately I’m not holding my breath.

If all goes according to plan I’ll start BCP’s on October 5 and stay on them for around 16 days total. My projected day to start stims is October 24.

Now that the decisions are made, a plan is in place and I’ve calmed down (a lot), I’m really very excited. Going to the gym this morning and getting a good night’s sleep definitely helped. Thanks to everyone who sent me emails and well wishes. I appreciate your support so much and I love you too.