
social media

I’m updating the social media buttons in my sidebar today, if anyone is interested in following along.

This includes registering It’s Always Something on Bloglovin. Although I must say, I have been using (and prefer) Feedly for keeping up with everyone.

I’ve also added a link love area on my sidebar with the blogs I read. Many of you shared your blogs with me through the survey I did earlier this year. I have tried to come by and visit as many of you as I can. If you’d like to be added to my links loved, please let me know. I know several readers said that their blogs were private and they would not want it shared, so I want to be cautious about privacy.

Lastly, I got rid of the resale blog because it was just one other thing for me to keep up with right now. I have a facebook profile that I use to sell the kids’ stuff locally and I am going to link that here, if anyone is interested. I have a ton of girls Tea Collection for the fall if anyone is interested. I should have it up on my facebook page by Friday. Just friend request me and you’ll be able to comment on the images.

Happy Hump Day!