
Party Details

The party chairs for our guests of honor. Their bunting says “let me eat cake” 🙂 

Party hats! I mentioned before that we were reading Karen Katz’s Where is Baby’s Birthday Cake? every night before bed. Every time I say party hats it reminds me of the part of the book where the baby looks behind the presents — “No! These are my party hats.” I need to get out more…

I put together a sweets table with snowballs (popcorn balls), chocolate dipped pretzels, barber poles, cupcakes, munchkin snowmen, rock candy, candy dipped marshmallows, lollipops and, of course, birthday cake.

{ hot chocoloate cake with homemade marshmallows }
{ munchkin snowmen for our smaller guests }

I kept all of the food in the dining room and just put balloons throughout the house. This way we had enough space for people to mingle and EAT! Across from the dessert table I put together a hot chocolate bar with the kids 52 week pictures above it. The hot chocolate was a huge hit and so fun (and easy!) to put together. 
{ hot chocolate…fun for kids and adults! }

It may be hard to see because the clothespins are so small, but they were each decorated in red and turquoise. A whole year of our life on a tiny little wall. What a paradox.

For our favors I had tags made that read “no two are alike” and I made snowflake cookies and stuffed two in each favor bag. My husband really busted my chops over this one because I made every cookie and decorated every cookie so that there really were no two that were the same. Proving once again, there really are no limits to my insanity.

My aunt kept teasing me that I wasted all of this energy on kids that had no idea what was going on. I know they’re young and oblivious, but doing this for them made me so happy. And their first birthday was a celebration of so many things — their arrival into our lives, the fact that we are finally parents, the fact that we survived our first year with twins and we’re still (mostly) in tact. So, so many things worth celebrating. It was the best year of my life. I hope our party was just a small reflection of all of the love and joy these children have given us.