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Nursery Knobs (the Anthro knock-offs)

I finished my knock-off Anthro knobs and put them on the dresser (finally). As you can see we still have to hang things on the wall. My friend Mike (an amazing watercolor artist and sculptor) is painting our Nantucket map for us as we speak. I’m still battling the R wall, but hope to have the letters ready to hang this week). As soon as everything is in, up and hung I’ll take pictures.
The knobs cost me $17.82 to recreate, not bad in comparison to the $56.87 it would have cost to purchase them outright. I could have saved even more if I would have just painted the knobs that came with the dresser white like I had originally planned, but we’re running out of time and the husband convinced me to just buy porcelain knobs from Lowe’s and paint those instead. I’m so glad I did. The knobs took me 10 minutes instead of 10 days!