
Memorial Day Weekend

Because pretty pictures are more fun than real life…

We’re getting geared up to head down to Foxboro for the NCAA Men’s Championship Lax Games. This is an annual tradition in the Russell household. Memorial Day = Lacrosse. I’m super excited because a bunch of alums from our years at Cuse will be there and tailgating is less of an activity and more of a sport for SU fans. So it should be fun. We’ll be out there Saturday and then we’re coming home Sunday to work on the house. If the boys win we’ll day trip it back for the Finals on Monday. Lots of time spent in the car, but SO worth it.

It will also serve as a welcome distraction from the fact that in exactly one week I’ll know whether our chances of conceiving naturally are completely shot. I hate the 2WW, it’s like Tom Petty says “the waiting is the hardest part…”

In other news Project Hydrangea was an absolute success and I have pictures to come. Unfortunately after we got those little suckers in the ground Mother Nature decided to laugh and point fingers by dropping the temps to freezing just long enough to literally freezer burn the new blooms and some of the buds. I should know better than to plant anything in May in Upstate NY. Oh well.

Our dining room table arrived yesterday after a mere 10 weeks on backorder (darn economy) and it is lovely. I still need to have the slipcovers tailored for the dining chairs and the sideboard refinished, but for the first time in THREE years (yup that room has sat empty for three whole years) I have a dining room. Look at me I’m all growed up. Joe’s going to hook up all of my new fixtures over the weekend and I can cross about seventy billion things off my list of to-do’s!

I settled on a tile backsplash for the kitchen – and you’ll never believe what I picked! The same tile I picked out 4 months ago when I decided what tile we’d be going with for the kitchen the first time. Yup, I drove all the way up to the tile store 3 more times, brought home 8 more tile samples, stared at them 57492564 times per day to see them in every light possible, and then I settled on the one tile I had already picked out when I went through this same process the last time. My poor husband, why does he put up with me? I just need to have the phone jack relocated and an outlet moved and we’ll be all ready to tile ourselves in.

I’m off to the acupuncturist in 15 minutes and I’m scared to death. I think it took me until just now to realize I’m willingly driving somewhere to allow someone to stick needles in me. What was I thinking? Maybe that’s why you leave so relaxed? Because you are so stressed out about the idea of 20 foot needles (well they’re 20 feet long in my head) that by the time it’s all over you finally relax?

So far my infertility wellness treatments have been pretty decent. Massage is awesome; I’ll definitely keep that up. Chiropractic is not really my thing; I actually think it’s a bit of a hoax…and now, off to acupuncture.