

So these are the two couches I picked out as options for our living room, it wasn’t until I got home and looked at the pictures of each side by side that I realized how simlar they are.

Can you tell the difference? Yeah, neither can I. So that makes that decision easy. One is 92″ the other comes in 80″ or 93″ so, we’ll go with what fits. And if 92/93″ fit then we’ll go with whichever is more affordable in custom material. Done and done.

World meet our new couch, couch, world. Lovely. Very lovely. (Oh, and by world, I mostly mean my mom and my sister who are reading this. But anyone else that’s out there listening to me babble, say “hi” to my couch!)

Speaking of lovely, the lovely Erika is putting together a room layout plan for us so I can stop buying furniture that doesn’t fit our house, our lifestyle, our needs. She’s my saving grace. I’m super excited to be working with her, she’s ridiculously talented and quite stylish to boot.

Here’s to hoping that the house becomes a haven before 2010. I.cannot.wait.