
The Lollipop Guild

With the babies’ party being less than a week away, we’ve gone into overdrive getting the house ready for company and finishing up last minute party projects. Everything in our house happens in twin time, so I started putting together the DIY stuff about a month ago to make sure we’d get it all done in time.


This weekend, the kids and I set about building our lollipop displays. These kids are into everything these days. Always wanting to help and join in the fun.


To make the stands I used flower arrangement blocks (floral foam?) that I had leftover from my cutting garden displays this summer. I wrapped the foam in turquoise wrapping paper and then just stuck the lollies straight into the blocks.


I found these adorable snowflake stickers on clearance at Michael’s right before Christmas and I picked them up since they went with our theme and our colors, but I had no idea how I’d put them to use. The lollipops ended up being the perfect solution.


I’m going to try to get all of the early baking and decorating done between now and Wednesday so I can actually enjoy the babies’ birthday (Thursday) with them. I’m really excited about their party. I can’t wait to see how it all comes together. Right now it’s all just a million ideas swirling in my head.



* no child labor laws were broken in the making of this post 🙂