
Lola Turns One

We had a party again Thursday night — our fourth cake in two weeks between me, Joe and Lola — this one was with just our immediate family, her godmother and her husband, and my mother in law, who is still in town helping out for the week.

I managed to undercook a roast chicken delaying dinner by almost 90 minutes. Oh well, life happens. It gave us more time to visit with good friends. After dinner was finally made and consumed we had cupcakes. Ryan is obsessed with cupcakes and cake in general now, so I am sure he’ll be so defeated when we don’t have another birthday to celebrate for the rest of the year.

 { love the serious look on her face }

{ this kid is a pro with cupcakes }

{ crossed at the ankle. I die. }

Lauren, I always knew I wanted to have three kids. I wanted you before I was old enough to even have a family. I dreamed of you long before you were ever conceived. From the moment I laid eyes on you during your anatomy scan — when I saw you sprawled out in my belly kicking your tiny feet and sucking on your little thumb — you changed my life forever. I remember looking at your daddy and crying. I kept saying, “look at how beautiful she is, look how beautiful”. And you are beautiful peanut, inside and out. You are the happiest baby ever conceived. Every day I am thankful for your presence. You have taught me grace, gratitude and have reminded me to take time each day to laugh. I love you to pieces little lovebug. Happy first birthday.

{ I’m one! }