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Knock Off City

Once upon a time, what seems a long time ago, I used to have hobbies. Some of them included running and some of them included decorating and renovating. But then I couldn’t have kids, and then I got pregnant and then I had twins and, well, you know how these things go.

So here I am nearly 7 months into our babies’ first year of life and I’m finally sitting down with a cup of coffee and a catalog. It doesn’t hurt that my husband is home to help with the kids either.

You can imagine my surprise when I saw the new Home Decorators catalog. Forgive me if I’m a little late to the party on this one. I’ve had my head up my own arse for the last seven months. But seriously, when did Home Decorators stop looking so junky and actually start offering some cute – albeit trendy – affordable items?

Here were some of my favorite finds.

the James and Sandra side chairs
(knock-offs of much pricier DWR Bertoia and Emeco side chairs)

these bentwood side chairs

the holbrook coffee table

and my favorite find was their parsons desk

The parsons is a clear knockoff of West Elm’s popular desk. I’ve seen the WE desk and it’s not worth the cost for the quality. I’ve considered ordering the look for less version on Overstock, but Overstock is one of those sites where you literally get what you pay for.

I was also shocked to see Martha paired up with Home Decorators. Although, I guess she’s had her fair share of partnering up with discount box stores to peddle her goodies.

I’m interested to know if anyone’s ordered from them lately? What did you think?