
Holy Crap

I just signed up for my first half marathon. September 20 is my race date, exactly 10 days before my thirtieth birthday. I need to prove to myself that I can accomplish things I perceive to be impossible and that I can work toward something and accomplish it. I think in light of all that’s been going on lately it will be good for me to have my focus set on something that I actually have control over. I will be racing around Schroon Lake which is in the Adirondacks.

I’m a whole range of emotions. But right now I’m mostly filled with nervousness and doubt.

I’m using a training program a friend of mine found on to train for the half. The program is 12 weeks, and I have 14 weeks till the race, so I’m going to do an extra two weeks of the “week 1” training plan to get a feel for the program and the time commitment. Plus, this will give me the opportunity to ease into training.

Did I mention I’m scared to death?

Part of the training plan is running a 5K and a 10K race on weeks 6 and 9, respectively. I’ve never run a race period and now I’ll be running three in three months. I hope I don’t disappoint myself.