
Handmade Holiday, Part 2

I made Darby’s Cinnamon Honey Butter
to gift to Joe’s two primary customers and our families for Christmas.
The recipe is SUPER easy and so very delicious.

I didn’t have time to order her adorable pixelimpress craft tags.
But I thought they were ridiculously cute and affordable.
Her Etsy store is definitely worth checking out.

Instead I ran off to Michael’s in search of holiday paper to make my own.
I had eyelets and leftover ribbon so the tags were $1.18 to make.
If you had to buy the ribbon and eyelets you can expect to spend about $4.

The font I used is CK Ali Hand and it can be downloaded here for free.

To make the tags I used PowerPoint to create a 2×4 rounded rectangle
(found under the shapes menu), I printed it out and cut around the shape.
I traced this shape onto my tag paper to get (almost perfect) rectangles.
Idiot proof (or at least Niki proof!)

I glued the holiday paper to the white paper, but I added the eyelets
to jazz it up and to make a pretty place to loop ribbon through.

Then I was off JoAnne’s in search of quilting fabric
and a hardware store to get jelly canning jars.
The fabric cost me less than a dollar and I had enough for all 12 cans,
the jars were about $8.

I made tags for people we were giving the honey butter to in person.
The other jars I gift wrapped with some leftover “grass” I had from Easter.
You could put colored paper in a shredder to get the same effect for free.

This project took me less than 2 hours from start to finish
{making the tags, the butter, canning and wrapping each jar}

The only ingredient I had to purchase was the honey.
Everything else I had in the pantry. Two bottles were about $6.

In total I made gifts for 12 people for under $17.
How much do you love that?