
Christmas in May

Yesterday I did what only a crazy mother would do. I bought my kid a Christmas present…in May. Having January babies makes the holidays and shopping for both a birthday and the holiday hard. There’s no cool summer gifts that you get one time a year. Well, you get them. But a water table is pretty useless in New York in January. And it’s expensive. Even though we only did one joint gift and one individual gift for the twins for their birthday, coming off of a very modest Christmas we still spent a lot of money.

Yesterday Zulily posted a sale for Kettler bikes and trikes and I could’t help myself when I saw this red trike.

I immediately thought of Ryan. Who just learned how to walk, so clearly will not be bike riding anytime soon. So why not buy a bike and stick it in the basement? Oh, hello issues. What’s worse is I set about looking for a pink or a blue version of this trike immediately afterward so each of the kids had one. Thankfully my insanity was nipped in the bud by the single color offering. This may end up being a joint gift for the twins if I don’t find something equally as awesome and ridable for Reese between now and oh, 8 months from now.

I had all but given up on Zulily between the astronomical shipping prices, long ship times and “sale” items that can be found on Overstock for the same price. Plus I haven’t been the biggest fan of the sales they’ve been posting lately. But this week they are offering free shipping and I had a $30 credit, so this trike cost $29. Sweet.

If anyone is interested in the Kettler trikes they are still on sale through Sunday. If you don’t have a Zulily account here’s an invite. If you get this trike in and your little one is planning on using it now, let me know what you think!!

When I told Joe about this purchase he just rolled his eyes and laughed. I figure it’s incentive to finish the basement in the new house. (You know, so the kids have somewhere to ride their bikes this winter.)