
20 Days or Less

I’m rounding the corner on 36 weeks now (even my butt is looking pregnant these days). I could sit here and complain until the cows come home about what aches, the insecurities I have regarding my new body, and how nervous I am about this new phase in my life. But really, today I’m just thankful. 
I’m thankful that both of my peanuts are over 5 pounds, they both got perfect scores (an 8) on their first biophysical profile and I am so healthy they’re going to make it all the way to term. I’ll figure out how to put myself back together later!
A few other nuggets I want to keep forever –
  • I love my husband now more than ever. For a million little reasons. If I could have seen the man that he’d become when I married him, I’m convinced I would have been more excited to marry him that day. 
  • Today, after I took that picture above (and nearly cried over the sight of it) and then proceeded to get onto a scale at the doctor’s office (and nearly cried over the sight of it) I was sitting on the couch and my husband looked at me and said “you’re super hot, I kind of have a crush on you”.  
  • Every time I text my dad an update about the babies he gets so excited he extends words in his replies. Much of our conversations look like this, Me: Daddy, the babies are each over 5 pounds now. Him: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. 
  • My son’s favorite time of day is 5:30 a.m. Every morning I wake up around then because he’s punched me in the bladder, some days I barely make it to the bathroom. And then we lie in bed together, while his sister is still (somehow) sleeping and he rolls and punches and kicks while I rub his belly and his bottom. We go back to bed around 7:30.
  • My daughter loves bath time. As soon as I lie in the tub she squirms. If I drip water on my belly she kicks and punches at the droplets. I can’t wait to lie in the tub with her as an outside baby and see the look on her face when the water touches her toes.
  • At 36 weeks, I can still wear my wedding rings. I feel like there should be some sort of prize for that.
I think that’s all for now. Their nursery is almost done, just a few more things to hang on the wall. I hope to post pictures of it next week. Merry Christmas!

ETA: Thank you Spearmint Baby for including me in your bump feature! How fun. Hello to all my new followers! Can’t wait to “meet” you.