
Did I Mention…

That Joe and I are running a half marathon in June? It’s the Covered Bridges race in Vermont. I’m ridiculously excited about the course. Gorgeous time of year, pastoral bridge covered road and (the bonus) mostly downhill.

Joe signed us up for a half as my Christmas present. I’ve been wanting to run this race for the last six years, but I’ve either been pregnant or closed out (this year’s race closed out in less than 15 minutes!) The idea that I’m going to run 13 miles in 18 weeks is almost laughable right now; especially since I haven’t run since March (hello, March 2012) and my total combined distance last year was 28 miles.

I joined the gym again since it is an arctic tundra outside and we tested out the gym daycare waters again. The kids did great this time. What a difference a year makes. Hopefully they continue to do well and I can do some of my training runs with them in tow.

I’m working on getting a sitter on Sundays beginning in March for when we start our longer runs. Something that is almost harder to do than the training itself. And I’m going to pick up a single jogger (I’m thinking a BOB Rev this time? This one has my name all over it…) so we can take Lola with us and just leave the twinkies at home, this way we don’t kill one of our precious babysitters by leaving all three.

Here’s our training plan for anyone that may be interested. It’s part Couch to 5K, part Hal Higdon Novice 2.

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I ran my last half in 2:19 and walked through the water stations. I’m hoping to break 2:10 this time. Well, that’s a lie. I’d like to break 2 flat, but I think I should give myself a break and make realistic goals for once. So I’ll be happy with 2:10 and I’ll be over the moon if I get to 2 flat.