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Home Sweet Home

I got home yesterday afternoon. So nice to be in my own house, with my kids, and my own bed. Isn’t it crazy how much you miss your own bed when you’ve been away from it for a while? I feel like I haven’t slept in years. Lola has her days and nights reversed. It’s awesome to balance against two well-scheduled 21 month olds. We’re getting there. Thankfully she has the sweetest little disposition and she’s cute as a button (if I do say so myself), so we’re running on pure love since sleep seems to be a thing of the past, at least for now.
Reese and Ryan are overwhelmed and that is to be expected. Ryan’s lack of expressive vocabulary has led to a lot of frustration, crying fits, hitting and throwing. He is interested in the baby and frustrated by her existence all at the same time. Reese loves the baby still, but is exhibiting some stubborness and has tried to “accidentally” kick the baby a few times or sit on her in an attempt to sit on my lap. We are working on all of it, hoping that things will smooth out over time. It’s all to be expected, as we are asking so very much of our first tiny babies (who are so, so big in comparison). 
Right now, Joe and I are focused on providing them with as much love and as much kindness as possible. And if that continues to fail, next week we’ll move to lots of time outs and lots of consequences. Because once I’m on my own in early November, I need to be able to wrangle them alone. No small feat. 
So, in the meantime, our house is like Lord of the Flies and Joe and I are alternating who gets to play the role of Piggy. Not quite how I had hoped it would go, but exactly how I expected it would. Our house is set to close in just under three weeks. So we’re a month away from really turning everything on its ear, and hopefully a few short months away from restoring order. Hopefully. 
All good things, just a lot of things all at once. So worth it. There isn’t a better kind of chaos to be part of, that is for sure.